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Terms and conditions

Find our important information on Financial Services Guides, Product Disclosure Statements and Terms and Conditions.

Important information



Target Market Determinations

From 5th October 2021, the Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO) require product issuers to have a Target Market Determination (TMD) in place for certain products they offer.

Financial Services Guides

A Financial Services Guide (FSG) describes the financial services offered by, and important information about, a financial services licensee. Westpac Banking Corporation holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) AFSL 233714, and an Australian Credit Licence 233714 (effective 1 March 2011). BankSA is a division of Westpac Banking Corporation.

BankSA FSG - Banking Services

BT Advice Financial Services Guide

Banking Code of Practice

The Banking Code of Practice is a voluntary code of conduct for member banks of the Australian Bankers Association. It sets standards of good banking practice for banks to follow when dealing with individual and small business customers, prospective customers and guarantors. More information about the Code can be found here

Credit Guide

Credit Guide (CG) provides important information about a licensee’s obligations in relation to consumer lending products regulated by the National Credit Code. Effective 1 March 2011, Westpac holds an Australian Credit Licence No. 233714.

Retail payment service availability disclosure documents

Read quarterly reports detailing the reliability of the seven retail payment services you might use with us.

Tax Reporting Obligations

Effective from 1 July 2024, we’re updating our home loan terms to clarify our obligations to collect and report information on foreign tax residents as shown in this new clause.

Tax Reporting Obligations:

We are required under domestic and international laws to collect and report financial and account information relating to individuals and organisations who are, or may be, foreign tax residents. We may ask you whether you or any shareholder, beneficiary, settlor or controlling person are a foreign tax resident from time to time, such as when you open an account with us, or if your circumstances change. If you do not provide this information to us, including information about the foreign tax identification number for all countries you or any shareholder, beneficiary, settlor or controlling person are a foreign tax resident of, we may be required to limit the services we provide to you. This could include not opening your product, or limiting functions or services of your product, or closing it.

Unless you tell us otherwise, by completing any application for products covered by these terms and conditions, you certify that you, any shareholder, named beneficiary, settlor or controlling person is not a foreign tax resident. You must tell us if you, or any shareholder, named beneficiary, settlor or controlling person is, or becomes, a foreign tax resident (unless an exemption applies, such as for shareholders of listed companies). Where there are no named beneficiaries (e.g. for beneficiaries identified only as a class) you must tell us if a beneficiary is a foreign tax resident immediately when any decision is made to identify such beneficiary and, in any case, before such distribution is to be made to them. 

You may contact us to provide foreign tax residence information by calling 1300 725 863. We cannot give tax advice, so please contact your independent tax advisor if you need help finding out whether any person is a foreign tax resident.

Important information

A Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) is a document, or sometimes a group of documents, that contains information about a financial product including any significant benefits and risks, the cost of the financial product and the fees and charges that the financial product issuer may receive. Supplementary PDSs may be issued from time to time and must be read in conjunction with the PDS to which they relate.

This website also contains other disclosure documents such as prospectuses, product information statements (PIS), annual reports and product offerings.