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Broker forms

Note: Dynamic PDFs and other forms must be downloaded as they will not display correctly in a web browser. Please download these forms to your computer before use.

Application to settlement (Residential)

Minimum required documents checklist  (PDF 368KB)

To be lodged with every home loan application

Home loan application form (PDF 832KB)

To be completed and signed by all applicants/guarantors

Salary sacrifice declaration form (PDF 657KB)

This declaration relates to salary sacrifice arrangements currently in place between the customer and their employer

Customer Account Opening Form (Transaction & Offset) (PDF 638KB)

Please complete this form if your client is applying for a new offset account or transaction account and submit it as part of their application on ApplyOnline.

Acknowledgements, Confirmations and Consents form (PDF 30KB)

Information about the acknowledgements and confirmations you make and the consents that you give us in connection with a home loan application.

Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) Fact Sheet

Use to educate customers who's deposit is less than 20% or where other circumstances Lenders Mortgage Insurance is required



Post settlement (Residential)

Existing loan maintenance checklist

Existing loan maintenance checklist for brokers.

Request to vary security form

To be completed when a property/security has been sold, a loan is to be refinanced or there is a need to release security.

Loan category switch form (PDF 633KB)

To be used to request a change the category/purpose of your home loan i.e Owner Occupier or Residential Investment.

Request copies of documents or contracts (PDF 659KB)

To be completed where customers want to obtain copies of documents or contracts.


First Home Owner Grants

NSW Help Guide (PDF 4MB)

First Home Owners Grant Application Guide - New South Wales

NT Help Guide (PDF 2MB)

First Home Owners Grant Application Guide - Northern Territory

QLD Help Guide (PDF 1MB)

First Home Owners Grant Application Guide - Queensland

SA Help Guide (PDF 1MB)

First Home Owners Grant Application Guide - South Australia

TAS Help Guide (PDF 2MB)

First Home Owners Grant Application Guide - Tasmania

VIC Help Guide (PDF 1MB)

First Home Owners Grant Application Guide - Victoria

WA Help Guide (PDF 3MB)

First Home Owners Grant Application Guide - Western Australia


Commercial and Business Lending

Note: Dynamic PDFs must be downloaded as they will not display correctly in a web browser. Please download these forms to your computer before use.

Responsible Lending - Requirements and Objectives Form (Dynamic PDF)

This form is to be used by brokers to record the customer’s requirements & objectives when submitting a home loan application outside of ApplyOnline (e.g. within a deal being submitted through Business Banking).

Responsible Lending - Guidelines for Brokers

Requirements and Objectives.


Responsible lending requires us to have detailed conversations with customers to understand their requirements and objectives (R&O) and financial situation, so that we can assess the suitability of a credit contract. 

QRG - Non-Electronically Lodged Home Loans

Brokers submitting a broker-introduced home loan will now complete an updated version of the R&O Form. 

Reference Guide: You’re In Business – Residential & Business Lending Form (PDF 2MB)

Use this form as a reference guide to fill out the below Bank of Melbourne Residential & Business Lending Form.

You’re In Business – Residential & Business Lending Form (PDF 1MB)

This interactive PDF is for all Broker assisted customers applying for Business, Personal Finance or a combination of both. 

Checklist - loans up to $3m (PDF 123KB)
Checklist - loans $3m and above (PDF 170KB)

To help make your loan-submitting process quicker and easier, here is a range of Commercial Broker checklists.
Please remember though, that these checklists are cursory guides, and that in some cases additional documents may be required.

Direct debit request service agreement (PDF 115KB)

To be handed to all customers completing a direct debit request


SIMPLE+ Submission Pathway

For non-complex customers looking to access funding up to $5M1.

SIMPLE+ offers non-complex customers an easier way to do business with us. Customers benefit from a streamlined application form and fewer documentation requirements compared to the Full Application pathway.

Brokers may use the new Serviceability calculator2 to assess whether their customer can service the loan.  For transactions up to $1.5M, Business Activity Statements (BAS) can be used but the BAS calculator2 will need to be used before the Serviceability calculator2.

For further information, please refer to the SIMPLE+ Broker Flyer

The SIMPLE+ Application Form can be found below.

The SIMPLE+ pathway is part of our usual Business Credit Policy. Credit criteria, terms and conditions, fees and charges apply.

SIMPLE+ Application Form (PDF 3MB)

Use this form if your customer is eligible to apply for business lending under the SIMPLE+ submission pathway (must be accompanied by the Business Finance Consent form).

Business Finance Consent (PDF 208KB)

Use this form for applicable business lending applications, including the SIMPLE+ submission pathway.

SIMPLE+ Broker Support Pack (PDF 1MB)
BAS Calculator2

When using Business Activity Statements (BAS) for transactions up to $1.5M, use the BAS calculator first before the Serviceability calculator. Refer to the Broker Support pack for more information.



Notice to Borrowers & Guarantors Regarding Copy of Valuation (PDF 648KB)

To be completed as a notice to borrowers and guarantors regarding copy of valuation 
Customer can only be provided with a copy of the Valuation when applying for a Government Grant which requires this document.

Verification details indigenous individuals (PDF 605KB)

Complete this form when confirming the identity of an individual who is acquiring a product and/or service.


Popular calculators


Home loan repayments

Estimate mortgage repayments based on the loan amount, fixed rate or variable, and monthly or fortnightly. 

Repayment calculator

Home loan borrowing power

Calculate borrowing capacity, and what the loan repayments could be at different repayment frequencies.

Borrowing capacity calculator

Home loan refinancing

Thinking about switching a home loan to us? See the estimated savings that could be made by refinancing.

Refinance calculator

Important information

Conditions, credit criteria, fees and charges apply. Based on BankSA’s credit criteria, residential lending is not available for Non-Australian resident borrowers. Interest rates subject to change. Before making a decision, it’s best to read the terms and conditions.

Loan Accounts – Charges for specific services and accounts (PDF 55KB)

This information is general in nature and has been prepared without taking your objectives, needs and overall financial situation into account. For this reason, you should consider the appropriateness of the information to your own circumstances and, if necessary, seek appropriate professional advice.

Taxation considerations in this publication should not be interpreted or used as tax advice or a tax guide.

  1. Certain products have maximum limits less than $5M, please confirm these with your BDM.
  2. The Serviceability calculator and the BAS calculator (calculators) are the property of the Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714 and you acknowledge by accessing either calculator that they are provided for use by you only as an accredited Westpac broker and are not to be shared, copied or otherwise distributed. The results derived from the calculators are for illustrative purposes only and should not be regarded as a prediction or personal advice.  The calculations are not intended to be forecasts or projections but to be used as a tool to assist you making your own projections.   The information and results obtained from either calculator do not constitute a loan approval, quote or an offer to lend, and it is not intended that they be relied on for the purposes of making a final decision in relation to a lending or credit product. The calculators contain general information and  the borrower before acting on this information needs to consider its appropriateness having regards to their objectives, financial situation and needs and should seek independent, financial, legal and taxation advice. The figures and formulae used in the calculators may change at any time without notice.  No guarantee, warranty, or representation is given or implied as to the reliability or accuracy of the information used to compile each index or each calculation. Westpac denies any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental , consequential or special damages or for any loss arising out of or in any way connected with the access to, reliance on, or use of the calculators. The results from the calculators are confidential and cannot be distributed to any party not authorised by the borrower’s express written consent. View our Privacy Statement at