BT Invest
An investment platform that helps you invest your way. Select from shares, ETFs, managed investments and more.
BT Invest is not available to new investors from 11 February 2022. Existing customers in BT Invest are not impacted by the closure to new investors and will continue to have access to all features and functionality of the product.
BankSA has partnered with BT
To help you do more with your investments, we’ve partnered with BT – BankSA's wealth expert and one of Australia’s leading investment specialists. BT has been helping Australians manage, grow and protect their money since 1969.
Why choose BT Invest?
Grow your investments your way
Great features to help you start and grow your portfolio

Two ways to invest
You can choose between Ready-made or Build your own portfolios:
Select a ready-made portfolio that best suits you and we’ll do the rest.
Whether you’re new to investing or you simply want a professionally managed portfolio, choose from five ready-made managed portfolio options: Conservative, Moderate, Balanced, Growth and High Growth.
You can upgrade to Build your own at any time.
Ready-made portfolios
Choose from five diversified portfolios
Mercer Passive Conservative Portfolio
Mercer Passive Moderate Portfolio
Mercer Passive Balanced Portfolio
Mercer Passive Growth Portfolio
Mercer Passive High Growth Portfolio
Build your own
Choose your investments and design your own unique portfolio.
If you would like more control over building your investment portfolio, create your own from a range of investment options like Australian shares, ETFs, term deposits, managed funds and managed portfolios.
Shares & ETFs
2500+ ASX listed shares and exchange-traded funds.
Term deposits
Choose from a range of St.George, Westpac and BT term deposits.
Managed funds
Access a select range of leading Australian fund managers.
Managed portfolios
Choose from five ready-made, diversified portfolios.
Mercer Passive Conservative Portfolio
Mercer Passive Moderate Portfolio
Mercer Passive Balanced Portfolio
Mercer Passive Growth Portfolio
Mercer Passive High Growth Portfolio
Plus, five sector portfolios.
Shares (growth focus) – DNR Cap Aus Equities High Conviction Portfolio
Shares (growth focus) – Pendal Aus Shares Portfolio
Shares (growth focus) – BT S&P/ASX20 Shares Portfolio
Shares (income focus) – Antares Dividend Builder Portfolio
Shares (growth focus) - Pendal Sustainable Future Aus Shares Portfolio
A snapshot of fees & costs*
The following administration fees apply to your account, plus fees for your selected investments.
All costs are inclusive of GST unless otherwise stated.
Pay for your account - Ready-made
$60 p.a.
Applies once you have made your first deposit
Pay for your account - Build your own
$60 p.a.
Applies once you have made your first deposit
0.50% p.a.
Of your total balance in Australian shares, ETFs, managed funds and sector portfolios.
Pay for your investments
Term deposits
From $12.50
Trading shares and ETFs
$12.50 per trade, or 0.11%^ of the transaction value (if greater) -
Charged by the manager (varies by fund)
0.18 – 2.44% p.a.
Managed funds
Charged by the manager (varies by fund)
How to open an account
The Detail
Important information
BT Invest Target Market Determination
BT Invest Cash Management Account Target Market Determination
BT Managed Portfolios Target Market Determination
BT Panorama Financial Services Guide
BT Invest Managed Portfolios PDS
BT Invest Managed Portfolios PDS Part 1
General information
BT Invest Managed Portfolios PDS Part 2
Investment Options Booklet
BT Managed Portfolios Target Market Determination
Ready-made portfolios - Fact sheets
Mercer Passive Conservative Portfolio
Mercer Passive Moderate Portfolio
Mercer Passive Balanced Portfolio
Mercer Passive Growth Portfolio
Mercer Passive High Growth Portfolio
Sector portfolios - Fact sheets
DNR Capital Australian Equities High Conviction Portfolio
Pendal Australian Shares Portfolio
Pendal Sustainable Future Australian Shares Portfolio
BT S&P/ASX 20 Shares Portfolio
Antares Dividend Builder Portfolio
Proxy Voting Record
BT Managed Portfolios Proxy Voting Record
The information on this webpage about BT Invest has been prepared by BT Portfolio Services Ltd ABN 73 095 055 208 AFSL 233715 (BTPS) and is current as at January 2019. The information provided is general in nature and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs and so you should consider its appropriateness having regard to these factors before acting on it. All examples and images are for illustrative purposes only. Your portfolio value and performance are likely to be different and will depend on the investment options you have selected and the time period over which you are invested in those options. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
BT Portfolio Services Ltd ABN 73 095 055 208 AFSL 233715 (BTPS) operates BT Invest. Westpac Financial Services Ltd ABN 20 000 241 127 AFSL 233716 (WFSL) is the responsible entity and issuer of interests in BT Managed Portfolios. Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714 (Westpac) is the issuer of the BT Invest Cash Management Account (BT Invest CMA). Together, these products are referred to as the BT Invest products.
A Product Disclosure Statement or other disclosure document (PDS) for the BT Invest products can be obtained by contacting BT on 1300 881 716 or by clicking here. You should obtain and consider the relevant PDS before deciding whether to acquire, continue to hold or dispose of interests in the BT Invest products.
BTPS and WFSL are subsidiaries of Westpac. Apart from any interest investors may have in Westpac term deposits, Westpac securities or the BT Invest CMA acquired through the BT Invest products, an investment in, or acquired using, the BT Invest products is not an investment in, deposit with or any other liability of Westpac or any other company in the Westpac Group. These investments are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment of withdrawal proceeds and loss of income and principal invested. Westpac and its related entities do not stand behind or otherwise guarantee the capital value or investment performance of any investments in, or acquired through, the BT Invest products.
© BT Portfolio Services Ltd 2019