Our building loan option
You could save on home loan interest by only drawing down the money you need as each construction stage is completed.
Why choose our building option?
Tell me more
- Funds only advanced in stages as your Contract Builder completes pre-agreed construction milestones.
- You save on interest during the construction process period – as you only pay interest on the amount drawn.
- Make Interest Only repayments until construction’s completed and your loan’s fully drawn down.
Important information
Conditions, credit criteria, fees and charges apply. Based on BankSA’s credit criteria, residential lending is not available for Non-Australian resident borrowers. Interest rates subject to change. Before making a decision, it’s best to read the terms and conditions.
Loan Accounts – Charges for specific services and accounts (PDF 55KB)
This information is general in nature and has been prepared without taking your objectives, needs and overall financial situation into account. For this reason, you should consider the appropriateness of the information to your own circumstances and, if necessary, seek appropriate professional advice.
The information on our website is prepared without knowing your personal financial circumstances. Before you act on this, please consider if it’s right for you. If you need help, call 13 13 76.