How to minimise home loan fees
With some quick tips, you can learn to minimise your home loan fees.
4 steps to minimising home loan fees
Often minimising fees is all about looking at your banking as a whole to make sure you've got the right loan to fit your lifestyle and the way you bank.
- Compare home loan features to make sure you've got the right loan. You may be paying for features you don't need. Call us on 1300 304 660 or drop by a branch if you want to talk about what loan suits you best.
- See a complete list of Home Loan fees (PDF 55KB) and compare Home Loan features.
Thinking about switching? Here's how...
Logon and select your home loan.
Desktop: Go to Switch to a fixed rate home loan.
App: Go to Services, then tap Switch to fixed rate.
Choose your new fixed rate and confirm.
Manage your home loan

Interest rates and calculators
Important information
Conditions, credit criteria, fees and charges apply. Based on BankSA’s credit criteria, residential lending is not available for Non-Australian resident borrowers. Interest rates subject to change. Before making a decision, it’s best to read the terms and conditions.
Loan Accounts – Charges for specific services and accounts (PDF 55KB)
This information is general in nature and has been prepared without taking your objectives, needs and overall financial situation into account. For this reason, you should consider the appropriateness of the information to your own circumstances and, if necessary, seek appropriate professional advice.